
Posts Tagged ‘Incarnation’

What strikes me about Luke 2 is everyone’s amazement. All who heard shepherds were amazed. Mary and Joseph are amazed by Simeon’s words when they bring  Jesus to the temple. Fast forward to Jesus at age 12 and everyone in the temple is amazed at his questions and answers to the religious leaders.

This is amazing. God coming to our world, as an infant, without typical royal fanfare, is amazing. Jesus continues to amaze, by his presence, by what he means to the world, and by what he teaches.

Do we miss how amazing the story is? Have we heard it so many times that it loses its power? Have we turned it into doctrine and as a result lost the mystery, the wonder? Have we shielded ourselves from how radically God turns our world upside down?

Perhaps we need to be more like Mary and treasure these words in our hearts. Mary treasures the words of the shepherds the night of Jesus’ birth. After finding Jesus in the temple, she treasures “all these things” (2:51). Perhaps we would do better to celebrate Jesus’ birth not simply as a reason for a season or a confession in a creed but as a treasure we can hold in our hearts.

(I am reading through Luke and Acts in 2014 with Bishop Ken Carter, one chapter a week, and blogging about my reflections. You can read more Bishop Carter’s invitation here and follow the conversation at #LukeActs2014.)

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